Disclamer – Your rights to JURISTAX – Legal mentions EN
Jean Pierre RIQUET, JURISTAX, the editors, the authors, ensure the quality and reliability of the information, which cannot, however, commit their responsibilities.
The website and the blog of Jean Pierre RIQUET do not take notice or consultation but are intended to give you a first information that must always be verified and validated according to the circumstances of your own. VAT is our specialty.
We do not claim to provide exclusive, complete and up-to-date information. Your case is certainly very special when the information on this website is general and not individualized.
The free site does not oblige us in particular to any contractual or make-up obligations.
Consult your profession in all cases such as the lawyer, the notary, the bailiff, the real estate agent, the insurer, the accountant, the tax advisor or your banker.
JURISTAX cannot conclude a specific mission with you. Use our CABINET CONTACT page or check out the products on the SHOPPING page.
a) Under Article III-74 of the Code of Economic Law, the professional communicates, prior to the conclusion of the contract, to the principal the following mandatory information concerning him:
- Name: Jean Pierre RIQUET
- Address: Avenue Marie de Hungary 64/9 to 1083 BRUSSELS
- Phone: +32 476 394113 – Telefax: +32 2 612 44 52
- Email: jpr ad juristax . eu
- Company number: RPM Brussels 0613811743
- Professional organization: Institute of Accountants and Tax Advice: www.iec-iab.be or www.itaa.be
- Professionnel titel: Tax adviser certified 11.050.219
- Countries that have granted this professional title: Belgium
- Terms and conditions: Yes, see Tab on Terms of Service
- Predetermined service price: No, see fee tab
- Service feature:
- Notice – administrative defence in the context of a non-judicial dispute or dispute in certain economic, tax or social matters
- Assistance in the holding and drafting of legal and tax obligations
- Assistance in the creation or management of companies or associations, foundations
- Administrative assistance in drafting documents, contracts or legal acts related to the economic life of companies or their managers,
- Assistance to companies in difficulty and/or during a Judicial Reorganization Procedure
- Forensic expertise
- Insurance: professional liability: insurance company ALLIANZ BENELUX V772921, Rue de Laeken 35 to 1000 BRUSSELS Broker WILLEMOT (such as 09/265 08 11)
Geographical coverage of insurance: the European Economic Area
b) Under Article XII-6, 1, of the Code of Economic Law :
- name : Jean Pierre RIQUET
- adress : Avenue Marie de Hongrie 64/9 à 1083 BRUXELLES
- phone, mail : +32 476 394113 – Téléfax : +32 2 612 44 52 – jpr ad juristax . eu
- Enterprise number : Bruxelles Brussels 0613811743
- nihil
- a) Professional organization: Institute of Accountants and Tax Advice: www.iec-iab.be or www.itaa.be
b) Professionnel titel: Tax adviser certified 11.050.219
c) https://www.itaa.be/fr/deontologie/ - VAT : BE 0613811743
- nihil
Juristax does not process or store any visitor data. It is not in contact with any provider or other company in connection with information relating to its website which it manages internally or with an external provider which is contractually under special regime of strict confidentiality and business secrecy.
Check out the Privacy – RGPD page that is applicable
Professional secret
Jean Pierre RIQUET is subject in the course of his activities to strict compliance with professional secrecy, notably under Article 458 of the Penal Code.
Anti-money laundering provisions (AML)
Jean Pierre RIQUET is an entity subject to the Law of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the limitation of the use of cash under Article 5, para. 1st, 24th.
Jean Pierre RIQUET is subject to ethical obligations regarding his profession of sworn tax advice
Website’s terms of use
The conditions for the use of the Juristax website are available in the Cabinet section